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収穫季節が終わり、大掃除が始まる (As the picking season ends, the tidy-up begins)

With the exception of the odd berry, the picking season has finally come to an end. Thank gawd!


But as the picking season ends, the big clear-up starts.

The biggest job is cutting away the second-year shoots and turning the cut wood into wood chip. But it’s still a bit early for that. In the meantime, there are plenty of other jobs to get on with.

Weeding, for example. The bane of my life.


Why not use weedkiller? Well, that would make my life a lot easier, but I use it only as a last resort. Thanks to avoiding using chemicals, the eco-system in my field seems to be pretty vibrant. It’s full of frogs, for example, which are said to be a sign of a good eco-system.

On the other hand, naturally, there’a lot of bugs about. In particular, last week there was a nasty outbreak of “Amerika shiro-hitori” (fall webworm). Basically, they’re horrible furry caterpillars. Sorry about the finger in the photo (but I’m sure you’ve all figured out that photography is not my strong point!)

I’ve also got a lot of these buggers. They’re a kind of bagworm, which is a larva of a moth that constructs and lives in a bag of leaves. They look harmless enough, but left alone they will eat away at your plant’s leaves until they resemble a tea bag.

If the weather holds out, I’ll start the big clean-up this weekend.