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春が深くなる (Heading deeper into spring)

As we move deeper into spring, I’m getting busier and busier over at the blackberry field.

The rhubarb is getting bigger and is actually ready to be harvested.

But I can’t make jam with them yet because the new jam labels aren’t ready yet. Watch this space!

The first flower buds have started to appear on the blackberry bushes.

And on the raspberries. They’re late because of the long winter we had and the cold spring this year.

新しいブラックベリー苗の植え付けはいよいよ終わった。 土壌は粘土質ですので、ちょっと心配。けれど、少しずつ堆肥や腐葉土を入れて改良している。にもかかわらず、まだまだって感じです。
The new blackberry plants are finally in. The soil is a worry because it has a high clay content. But I’m steadily improving it with compost and leaf mold, etc. Despite this, there’s still a lot of work to do.